- Mandatory Track Parent Meeting - Wednesday 1/15, 6pm, Room C111
- Join the 2025 Track Booster Club
- Pay for 2025 Track Meet Snacks
PHOTOS FROM THIS YEAR: (work in progress)
Link to upload/view 2025 Track Pictures
Click Here to upload/view 2021 XC Pictures Click Here to upload/view 2022 Track Pictures Click Here to upload/view 2022 XC Pictures Click Here to upload/view 2023 Track Pictures
General Information:
- There is ONE Plano XC/Track team for girls in 9th-12th grade.
- Girls XC/track athletes gets bused from Vines & Clark daily.
- EVERY athlete must have a new physical and medical history form on file and new UIL forms in RankOne every year.
Team Resources:
- Team website:
- Girls head XC/Track coach: Amy Dehdari;
- Rank One forms:
Cross Country:
- XC season is August to mid-October.
- Summer workouts begin in June and are led by team captains.
Track & Field:
- Track season is late January to mid-April.
- Off-season track is first semester.
- Try-outs occur first two weeks of each semester.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I do cross country and other sports/activities?
A: YES!!! We are very flexible with other activities (band, bb, soccer, choir, etc). We have MANY athletes that do multiple activities through the year.
Q: How far is a cross country race and when are meets?
A: Most races are 5K (3.1 miles) and are held Saturday mornings (Aug-Oct).
Q: What if I can’t run that far at one time right now? Will I get cut?
A: That’s ok, that’s what training is for! You do NOT have to have running experience to join! As long as you show up and work hard, there are NO cuts in cross country!
Q: I’m doing track off-season, but my schedule says “cross country?!?”
A: You are in the right place! They name the class “Cross Country” in the fall and “Track” in the spring. There are two training groups in the fall - off-season track and in-season XC